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Traditional publishing houses like Pressman House don’t charge for preparing, publishing and marketing our author’s books – and it is very difficult for unknown and new authors to get this service –  Why?

Quite simply the risk would be too great to take all authors on this basis.  This is why we tend to work with authors who have established themselves and have a following so there is an even chance we will recover our outlay and, if we are fortunate, make a profit.

As a new or unknown author, how can you get your book into the market and begin to build a following?

This is a question all such authors ask as it seems to be an insurmountable problem.  But is it? We have a multi-award winning subsidiary, ShieldCrest Publishing, which helps new and unknown authors get their books into the market so they can begin the process of building their name and presence as an author.

To find out more go to:

What You Need to Know About Self-Publishing
How To Publish a Book
How to Self-Publish a Book
Costs involved

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